About the Campaign

A coalition beyond partisan divisions, partnering with groups across the country to end qualified immunity.

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[stat_counter icon_size=”32″ icon_position=”left” counter_title=”Members of Congress” counter_value=”247″ counter_sep=”,” speed=”3″ el_class=”without-icom” counter_color_txt=”rgba(255,255,255,0.7)” desc_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_font_color=”#ffffff” suf_pref_font_size=”desktop:90px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:72px;”]

[stat_counter icon_size=”32″ icon_position=”left” counter_title=”Athletes” counter_value=”1124″ counter_sep=”,” speed=”3″ el_class=”without-icom” counter_color_txt=”rgba(255,255,255,0.7)” desc_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_font_color=”#ffffff” suf_pref_font_size=”desktop:90px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:72px;”]

[stat_counter icon_size=”32″ icon_position=”left” counter_title=”Business Leaders” counter_value=”671″ counter_sep=”,” speed=”3″ el_class=”without-icom” counter_color_txt=”rgba(255,255,255,0.7)” desc_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_font_color=”#ffffff” suf_pref_font_size=”desktop:90px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:72px;”]

The Campaign to End Qualified Immunity

This campaign is a coalition of business leaders, creative artists, athletes, advocates and lawyers dedicated to ending qualified immunity. The campaign seeks to educate by sharing stories of people who have been harmed by public servants and qualified immunity. The aim is to build demand for reform.

In order for police officers and law enforcement agencies to build public trust, there has to be accountability. Ending qualified immunity is just the first step in making both our government and criminal justice system more accountable to us. This country is what we make it, and the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity, as well as its partnered groups, strives to make our nation more just.

Stay updated with the campaign.


[bsf-info-box icon=”elegant-icon-basic_pencil_ruler” icon_size=”44″ icon_color=”” title=”Business Leaders” pos=”left”]“We are outraged as we watch over and over and over again as police officers are caught on video killing unarmed Black and Brown people.When the criminal legal system fails, qualified immunity makes it nearly impossible for victims to hold police accountable using the civil legal system. As a result, qualified immunity has shielded some of the worst law enforcement officials in America.” — Over 650 current and former CEOs, founders, and leaders of businesses across the country. Sign on here.[/bsf-info-box]

[bsf-info-box icon=”elegant-icon-ecommerce_cart_check” icon_size=”44″ icon_color=”” title=”Athletes” pos=”left” css_info_box=”.vc_custom_1461864736744{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]“We are tired of conversations around police accountability that go nowhere, and we have engaged in too many ‘listening sessions” where we discuss whether there is a problem of police violence in this country. There is a problem.”
— Players Coalition

[bsf-info-box icon=”elegant-icon-basic_message” icon_size=”44″ icon_color=”” title=”Creative Artists” pos=”left”]“Ending qualified immunity is the one change that [Congress] can make that will have lasting impact.” — Aloe Blacc[/bsf-info-box]

Who We Are

Meet the Campaign Team Members

Ed Erikson
Ed Erikson
Campaign Director
Michael Rosenow
Michael Rosenow
Operations Director
Melana Dayanim
Melana Dayanim
Brittany Miller
Brittany Miller
PR Specialist
Yaw Anoff
Yaw Anoff
Copy Writer
Jonathan Ambar
Jonathan Ambar
Copy Writer
Corina Paolisso
Corina Paolisso
Digital Specialist
Aren LeBrun
Aren LeBrun
Video Production
Ben Cohen
Ben Cohen
Jerry Greenfield
Jerry Greenfield

"For far too long, the doctrine of qualified immunity has protected the very people charged with enforcing the law from any consequence for breaking it, allowing police officers to use their badge as a shield from accountability."