Author: Melana


MSNBC’s Velshi Explores QI

Limiting or ending QI “could fundamentally change policing,” Velshi states. The doctrine is very controversial. QI’s supporters defend it because they feel police need special protections when making split-second decisions. However, those who oppose QI feel differently. They believe that QI shields bad cops from accountability when they act unlawfully.


Ben Cohen on Corporate Activism, QI

Ben Cohen weighs in on corporate activism and ending qualified immunity (QI). Ben is the co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and co-chair of the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity. He recently spoke to The Hill about corporate activism. Specifically, about the ways in which businesses can use their power to solve social problems.


Ben & Jerry Support LD 214

Qualified immunity is in the hot seat in Maine. This week, the Maine Legislature held a public hearing on a bill that would abolish the court-created loophole. The bill is called LD 214. It’s also known as An Act to Eliminate Qualified Immunity for Police Officers.


Ben Cohen on Above the Law

Ben Cohen is the co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. He’s co-chair of the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity (CTEQI). And he’s the author of a new book on qualified immunity (QI). In The Santa Cruz Sentinel, Ben discusses his new book on QI. Published by O/R Books, the book is called Above the Law: How “Qualified immunity” Protects Violent Police.


Police Benevolent Association: Limiting QI in NYC Was the Right Thing To Do

The Police Benevolent Association (PBA) is the world’s largest municipal police union. The PBA serves New York City. And in a recently released memo, the PBA admits that limiting qualified immunity (QI) for bad cops in New York City was the right thing to do.


Progressives on QI

Progressive lawmakers refuse to compromise on qualified immunity (QI), CNN reports. Repealing the doctrine is a key provision in the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Progressives are very much in favor of ending QI. However, this has been a sticking point for Republicans in the ongoing debate over police reform.


Ben & Jerry on Pitchfork

Ben & Jerry stopped by the Pitchfork Economics podcast to discuss qualified immunity. Particularly, how they’re fighting to repeal the doctrine that shields bad cops from liability. On the podcast, the duo talk about how, as business leaders, they use their resources to call for meaningful change.


Ben Cohen’s New Book on Cato Podcast

As host Caleb O. Brown notes, Ben Cohen has been doing some heavy lifting speaking out against qualified immunity (QI). As well as being the co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, Ben is the co-chair of the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity (CTEQI). And, as Brown says, he’s now written a book on the topic. On the Cato Daily Podcast, Ben talks about Above the Law, his new book.


Professor Talks QI on WPR

Law professor Teressa Ravanell talks qualified immunity (QI) on Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR).


Cori Bush on CNN

Congresswoman Cori Bush recently appeared on CNN to talk about qualified Immunity (QI). On the “Inside Politics” program, the St. Louis Democrat says she refuses to vote on any police reform legislation that does not include ending QI. She feels that getting rid of the court-created loophole is necessary to achieve real reform.