Love the good ones. Prosecute the bad ones.

We give police the power to use lethal force in our name. We need to hold them accountable when they abuse that power. But, Qualified Immunity — a legal doctrine — lets bad cops get away scot free.

JOIN the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity.

If Black Lives really matter, it’s time to move from protest to policy. The time is now. A Pew poll shows — two-thirds of Americans want to overturn qualified immunity.

People across the political spectrum are speaking out.

Clarence Thomas

Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court

Sonia Sotomayor

Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court

Rep. Justin Amash

(L-MI) U.S. Representative

Rep. Ayanna Pressley

(D-MA) U.S. Representative

Rep. Tom McClintock

(R-CA) U.S. Representative

Kamala Harris

U.S. Vice President-Elect

Hon. Carlton W. Reeves

U.S. District Judge

Sen. Bernie Sanders

(I-VT) U.S. Senator

Sen. Mike Braun

(R-IN) U.S. Senator

Sen. Cory Booker

(D-NJ) U.S. Senator

Rep. Marty Wilde

(D-OR) U.S. Representative

Calais Campbell

Baltimore Ravens Defensive End

Gov. Jared Polis

Governor of Colorado


Learn more here, and take action today.

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