Tag: clarence thomas


Freedom of Speech and Qualified Immunity

Freedom of speech and qualified immunity (QI). That’s the topic of a recent USA Today op-ed. The piece focuses on how QI protects college administrators. Specifically, when they violate a student’s First Amendment rights.


Clarence Thomas Slams QI

Clarence Thomas slams qualified immunity (QI). As Forbes reports, Justice Thomas wants the Supreme Court to “reconsider” QI. Clarence Thomas is a notable critic of the controversial doctrine.


Clarence Thomas Blasts QI

Clarence Thomas blasts qualified immunity (QI). As Reason notes, the Supreme Court Justice “is no liberal hero.” In fact, Clarence Thomas is one of SCOTUS’ most conservative judges. However, he’s also a vocal critic of qualified immunity. And, once again, Justice Clarence Thomas speaks out against the unethical doctrine..


NYT Editorial Board Comes Out Against QI

Leading up to the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death on May 25, the New York Times Editorial Board calls for an end to the unjust doctrine that shields bad cops from accountability.


MSNBC’s Velshi Explores QI

Limiting or ending QI “could fundamentally change policing,” Velshi states. The doctrine is very controversial. QI’s supporters defend it because they feel police need special protections when making split-second decisions. However, those who oppose QI feel differently. They believe that QI shields bad cops from accountability when they act unlawfully.