Tag: pamela hunter


New York Legislature Fails to End QI This Session

The New York Legislature has failed to pass S 1991, the bill that would’ve ended qualified immunity, this session. Although disappointed, public safety advocates don’t feel defeated, and vow to continue pressing forward.


Ben Cohen Calls Out QI in the NY Daily News

Ben Cohen advocates for the bill to end qualified immunity in New York State in a recent op-ed for the NY Daily News.


Syracuse Post-Standard Editorial Board Supports Ending QI in NY

The Syracuse Post-Standard editorial board has come out against qualified immunity. The doctrine, they write, “is a barrier to justice, even when authorities commit egregious abuses that defy the Constitution, common sense and basic human dignity.”


Newsday Spotlights S 1991

Newsday takes a look at S 1991, the bill to end qualified immunity in New York, and speaks to End QI NY’s Katerina Siira about how this measure will transform public safety in the Empire State.