Ben Cohen on Corporate Activism, QI

Ben Cohen weighs in on corporate activism and ending qualified immunity (QI). Ben is the co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and co-chair of the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity. He  recently spoke to The Hill about corporate activism. Specifically, about the ways in which businesses can use their power to solve social problems.

In the article, Ben discusses his stance on corporate activism. As The Hill notes, Ben & Jerry’s was one of the first companies to support recent civil rights protests. They also support the Black Lives Matter movement. This progressive stance, The Hill says, boosted ice cream sales. 

Ben Cohen believes more businesses should be outspoken. He feels that corporate activism has a place in today’s fight for social justice.

“Corporations are members of our society just like people are,” Ben tells The Hill. “If you believe in justice, you have to stand up for justice, and you have to make your voice heard.”

These days, Ben makes his voice heard through his efforts to end qualified immunity. “Post-Ben & Jerry’s, Cohen continues his advocacy work with the foundation of the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity,” the profile says.  

The court-created loophole has been under scrutiny since George Floyd’s death shocked the world in 2020. Per The Hill, Ben feels that QI is one of the causes of systemic racism in policing. The lack of accountability in cases of police brutality has disproportionately affected Black Americans. 

“It’s about the issue of accountability, and qualified immunity prevents holding cops accountable,” Ben tells The Hill. 

The article mentions that ending qualified immunity is a key part of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. This measure is on the federal level. The Hill also notes that, on a local level, a number of states and jurisdictions have passed bills closing the loophole. These are New York City, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Read the entire article about Ben Cohen and corporate activism here. 
