Author: Melana


Qualified Immunity: Old News in New Mexico?

HB 4, the New Mexico Civil Rights Act, passed the New Mexico House of Representatives Thursday 39 to 29 after a three-hour debate on the House floor, getting qualified immunity one step closer to being old news in new Mexico.


Ben & Jerry Talk Business and Justice to Yahoo! Money

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s and co-chairs of The Campaign to End Qualified Immunity recently appeared on Yahoo! Money


Maryland Delegate Introduces Bill to End Qualified Immunity

Maryland Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins introduced a bill that would end qualified immunity for police who break the law while on the job,


Family of Georgia Man Killed In Police Custody Call for Justice, an End to QI

The family of Hector Arreola, who died under police custody in January 2017, released a four-minute video reenactment of Hector’s death, along with audio of Hector’s 911 call, during a press conference in Columbus, Georgia, on Friday, in hopes of bringing renewed attention to their case.


Ben And Jerry Discuss Qualified Immunity On The Cato Daily Podcast

Campaign To End Qualified Immunity Co-Chairs Ben Cohen And Jerry Greenfield recently appeared on the CATO Daily Podcast to discuss the qualified immunity doctrine.


In Massachusetts and Virginia, Activists Continue the Fight to End Qualified Immunity

In Massachusetts and Virginia, two of the states that have passed police reform bills since the death of George Floyd in 2020, activists are refusing to settle for bills that cut out key reforms like ending qualified immunity. 


Ben & Jerry’s Co-Founder Discusses Campaign to End Qualified Immunity on Rising Up with Sonali

Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s, recently appeared on Rising Up with Sonali to discuss the Campaign to End Qualified Immunity


Campaign To End Qualified Immunity Co-Chairs Ben Cohen And Jerry Greenfield Featured In Upworthy

Upworthy recently published a new piece on the Campaign To End Qualified Immunity featuring Campaign Co-Chairs Ben Cohen And Jerry Greenfield.


CTEQI in Reason

A recent piece looks at a state-mandated report on Connecticut’s attempts to curb QI. The conclusion? The proposed reforms are unlikely to impact municipal insurance costs.


Reuters Series Offers Deep Dive Into QI

In Shielded, Reuters provides an eye-opening look at qualified immunity. This multipart investigation explores how “the criticism that qualified immunity denies justice to victims of police brutality is well-founded.”