Tag: scotus


MSNBC’s Velshi Explores QI

Limiting or ending QI “could fundamentally change policing,” Velshi states. The doctrine is very controversial. QI’s supporters defend it because they feel police need special protections when making split-second decisions. However, those who oppose QI feel differently. They believe that QI shields bad cops from accountability when they act unlawfully.


SCOTUS Limits QI for Cops

In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court limits the ability for cops to claim qualified immunity (QI). In doing so, the court expanded the ability for victims of police violence to sue, Reuters reports.


News Leader on QI

In a recent article, Virginia’s News Leader digs deep on the future of qualified immunity (QI), policing in America. The article explores relevant topics such as police accountability. And it discusses the qualified immunity doctrine.


Support for HB 4

HB 4, the New Mexico Civil Rights Act, is on its way to the Senate Judiciary Committee, writes the NM Political Report.


Brownback v. King Update

Even though the Supreme Court ruled against James King in the Supreme Court case of Brownback v. King, the Michigan man who sued the federal government after he was assaulted by a detective and an FBI agent, the case is not fully closed.


SCOTUS Throws Out Qualified Immunity Ruling

The Supreme Court threw out a lower court’s ruling that had granted qualified immunity to a corrections officer accused of brutalizing an inmate during an unprovoked attack, reports KFGO Texas.


SCOTUS Sides with Victim in Rare QI Decision

For the first time in 16 years, the Supreme Court issued a qualified immunity decision in which it held that the defendants’ actions violated “clearly established law.”