Author: Melana


SCOTUS Limits QI for Cops

In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court limits the ability for cops to claim qualified immunity (QI). In doing so, the court expanded the ability for victims of police violence to sue, Reuters reports.


NYC Ends QI for police

As The New York Times reports, NYC City Council voted on a large police reform package that ends qualified immunity (QI) as a defense for police officers in local civil lawsuits.


Ending QI in Texas

Ending qualified immunity (QI) in Texas is on the agenda for this legislative session. Texas’ George Floyd Act seeks to end QI in the Lone Star State, reports The Washington Post.

FINAL 10th Amendment

End QI Bill in West Virginia

Republican lawmaker Chris Pritt has unveiled a bill that would end qualified immunity (QI) in West Virginia.


News Leader on QI

In a recent article, Virginia’s News Leader digs deep on the future of qualified immunity (QI), policing in America. The article explores relevant topics such as police accountability. And it discusses the qualified immunity doctrine.


CTEQI Partners for HB 4

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield and coalition partner Mark Holden from Americans for Prosperity recently contributed the op-ed to the Santa Fe New Mexican.


ACLU Speaks Out Against QI

The ACLU speaks out against qualified immunity (QI.) The renowned civil liberties organization is putting pressure on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. They want the court to reconsider its decision to grant QI to the officers involved in Gabriel Olivas’ death.


QI on the Campaign Trail: VA

Democratic candidates in VA seek the party’s nomination for governor. Four candidates participated in a virtual debate on Tuesday night, reports the Patch.


Add Passion and Stir with Ben & Jerry

Campaign To End Qualified Immunity Co-Chairs Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield recently appeared on the Add Passion and Stir podcast. On the show, they discuss their commitment to ending qualified immunity.


New Mexico Closer to Ending QI

New Mexico moves closer to ending qualified immunity (qi.) Late on Wednesday night, the House and Senate both approved the HB 4 and sent it to the governor’s desk.